Automated External Defibrillators AED-RMS

Model: AED-RMS

The All-in-One Control and Monitoring Server

Automatic External Defibrillator Remote Management Solution

The All-in-One Control and Monitoring Server

The All-in-One Control and Monitoring Server for AEDs aims to efficiently manage AED devices installed in various locations remotely. Key features include monitoring and managing the status of AED devices, battery status, expiration dates of patient attachment pads, AED temperature, and usage information. Administrators operating the control server can use Mediana’s specialized web viewer service, which offers an easy-to-use dashboard with customizable display mapping functions, overview charts, device lists, required action lists, monthly statistics, and multilingual translation services.

Mediana’s control and monitoring server, in collaboration with IT experts and software developers from Selvas AI, provides successful solutions through customer-centric updates.


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