C-arm PLX118C/119C

Model: PLX118C/119C

lncreasing 100% of Field of View
Equipped with 30cm*30cm large size dynamic FPD, imaging area has been increased by 100%compared with the conventional FPD.

Crystal-clear image with delicacy
4MP resolution image combined with low signal-noise ratio reveals tiniest anatomicaldetails.

Entire pelvic imaging
lmage taken by 30cm x 30cm FPD can basicly cover the entire pelvic floor. In the surgery of bilateral-pevicfractures or pelvic ring internal fixation, all the fracture site can be revealed by a single exposure, which significantly improves overall efficiency.

Full lumbar vertebrae imaging
5 lumbar vertebrae can be photographed within one image by a 30cm x 30cm FPD, largely decreasing exposure times caused by insufficient image FOV, making it easier for surgeon to locate lesions and to make surgical plan in the procedure like pedicle screw fixation or procedure with strict imaging demand.


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