Defibrillators D700

Model: D700

Monitor Defibrillator

  • Selectable shock energy levels in manual mode : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 300, 360J
  • Multi Parameter : 3/5/12 lead ECG, HR, SpO2, NIBP, RR, Temp, IBP, EtCO2
  • Glasgow Interpretative 12-lead monitoring
  • SpO2 Nellcor ™ OxiMax ™ / NIBP AND / Capnography RESPRONICS
  • 8.4-inch display
  • 3, 5, 12 lead ECG diagnostics
  • Four modes : Manual Defibrillator / AED / External Pacing / Monitor
  • Synchronized cardioversion (sync)
  • Patient information entry: ID, name, age, gender
  • Self-test functions : Manual self-test, automatic self-test, button operation check, LCD check, sound check
  • Printable self-test results
  • Smart battery feature allows to check remaining power without turning on the device
  • CPR feedback (optional)

The D700 Monitor Defibrillator is intended for use by experienced medical technicians, doctors, nurses, or other medical professionals in both outdoor and indoor first aid settings, including ambulances, within specific environmental conditions. It offers manual and automatic defibrillation, external pacing, and 12-lead ECG diagnosis for adult and pediatric patients.
Additional monitoring functions include ECG (heart rate), SpO2 (oxygen saturation), respiration, temperature, NIBP (non-invasive blood pressure), IBP (invasive blood pressure), and EtCO2 for adults, pediatric, and infant patients.


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